Welcome to the official website of the International Blackcurrant Association!
Let us introduce ourselves:
We are an association of growers, processors and experts in all aspects (agronomy, health, nutrition) of the best berry for life – the blackcurrant.
As such, we work on the development of positive relationships between the growers in all the blackcurrant growing countries in the world. This goes through the exchange of information and sharing experiences, as well as regular meetings in working groups and conferences for the best communication possible. Our objective is also to bring growers, agronomists and processors together for good and longlasting partnerships with a sustainable production.
Furthermore, together with researchers in the field of nutrition, we pursue the promotion of the blackcurrant as the best and certainly the most competitive superfruit in the world.
Finally, we help to establish relationships between all players in the market, without any commercial activity as an association.
Bringing people together is our objective!
Take part in our activities, and discover our work through our website:
President's column
IBA 2020 – an update
Blackcurrant - the food hero
Latest newsletter
Blackcurrant harvest 2021
International Grower Meeting
INTERNATIONAL Blackcurrant Conference 2024
From 11th to 14th June 2024 in Leibnitz, Austria.
More information under preparation. Registrations will open soon.
Join IBA Mailing List
The IBA does not share or sell your personal information. By signing up, you only agree to receive news from the world of blackcurrants on a bi-monthly basis.
Please make sure you read our privacy and cookies policy, because we want you to understand how we collect and use your personal data.
Of course, you can ask for access, modification and deletion of your data any time: manager@blackcurrant-iba.com
Our partners:
You want to help us to promote the blackcurrant and support our activities?
Then feel free to contact us! We will be happy to discuss the best opportunities for you and your company.