Agenda AGM 2016
IBA Annual General Meeting 2016 Agenda AGM 2016 Welcome by President Apologies Minutes of 7th AGM held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in June 2015 (to be approved) President’s annual report 2015 (to be approved) IBA Financial Statement 2015 (to be approved) General Manager’s Report on activities 2015/16 General Business Occurrence IBA conferences and AGMs Changes in
General Manager’s report 2015
Activities are shown within financial year (1 April – 31 March). Note: Change of GM in June, report does not include Bill Floyd’s activities for the last two months of his management (his work at that moment mainly went into the organization of the take-over, transmission of knowledge and conference questions). 1. Promotion I.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania
held at Artis Centrum Hotel Vilnius, Lithuania, 10th June 2015 from 3:50pm to 4pm Welcome by President Dirk Herdieckerhoff welcomes delegates and observers, approximately 25 attended. Apologies from : Anthony Snell, Vice President, United Kingdom; Mike Kearney, Treasurer, New Zealand; Franz Ennser, Independent Director, Austria Juice; Florent Baillard, Director, France; Bill Floyd, New Zealand; Jim Griersen, New Zealand Minutes of 6th AGM held in
Minutes of the 4th Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2012, Dundee, Scotland
Held Tuesday 15th May 2012, commencing 4.15pm Welcome by President, Jim Grierson. Apologies: Jarrow Rogovin (USA); Wieslaw Blocki (Poland); Anthony Snell (UK); James Tavendale (NZ); Jane Lancaster (NZ); Greg Quinn (USA). Minutes of the 3rd AGM held in Goes, Netherlands, May 2011. Minutes approved (Moved Jensen/Seconded Eder). Matters arising from the Minutes of the 2nd AGM: A general discussion
Activities 2012-2013 / Planned Activities 2013-2014
Report on the IBA Strategic Programme Activities have been monitored on 6 platforms: Country Associations; Conference; Sector Groups; Health & Science; Promotion; Sponsorship; Executive (Governance & Administration). Activities shown within Financial year (1 April – 31 March), and not calendar year. Country Associations Nine countries are members of the IBA: Denmark; France; Germany; Japan; Netherlands,
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2013, Waldenburg, Germany
Held Tuesday 4th June, 2013, commencing 4.15pm Welcome by President, Svend Jensen. Apologies: David Eder, Franz Ennser Minutes of 4th AGM held in Scotland, May 2012: Tabled as read: Moved Jensen/Seconded Kearney. Approved unanimous. Svend explained that under the Rules of the Association the Board had created the positions of two Vice Presidents and appointed Anthony Snell (VP
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2014, Bialowieza, Poland
Held Monday 2 June 2014 at Bialowieza, Poland; 3.10pm-3.50pm Svend welcomed delegates and observers: approx 50 attended. Apologies from: Franz Ennser, Anthony Snell, Jun Fujikuma. Apologies be accepted, Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson. Approved. Minutes of 2013 AGM taken as read. Discussion on Minutes 2013: none. Moved 2013 AGM Minutes correct: Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson. Approved. Presidents Report read by
Report on 2014/2015 Activities
Membership We have 9 financial members: Denmark; France; Germany; Lithuania, Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; United Kingdom. A new organisation is being formed in Japan, the Japan Blackcurrant Association, and it becomes a Country member from October 2015. Potential Members The Rules of the IBA allow for non-Grower Associations or organisations to represent a Country