Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2016, Ashford, United Kingdom

                                    held at Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, United Kingdom

            16/06/2016, 1:00pm – 1:30pm

1. Welcome by President

Dirk Herdieckerhoff welcomed delegates and observers, one representative of each member country present apart Japan + 2 observers.

2. Apologies from :

Mike Kearney, Treasurer, New Zealand; represented by John Tavendale

Franz Ennser, Independent Director, Austria Juice; proxy for votes to Dirk Herdieckerhoff

Jun Fujikuma, JBA; proxy for votes to Dirk Herdieckerhoff

3. Minutes of 7th AGM held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in June 2015

Tabled as read, no comments arising. (approved unanimous)

4. President’s Annual Report 2015

Tabled as read, no comments arising. (approved unanimous)

5. IBA Financial Statement 2015/16

IBA Accounts 2015

Already presented and approved at the board meeting. (approved unanimous)

6. General Manager’s Report on activities 2015-2016

Already presented at the board meeting, no discussion followed.

7. Election of officers:

Dirk Herdieckerhoff asked Jim Grierson to conduct the elections for the IBA presidency, assisted by Stefanie Sharma for counting the votes, and to proceed for a paper vote. Jim Grierson asked for nominations of candidates. Two nominations: Dirk Herdieckerhoff and Anthony Snell.

Election of Anthony Snell (6 votes against 4) (Moved Jim Grierson, Seconded Stefanie Sharma)

Stefanie Sharma was asked to destroy the papers after the vote.

Anthony Snell thanked Dirk Herdieckerhoff for the great job he did over the past two years. He explained that it is an honor for him to take over this post for the next two years and expressed his willingness to carry on the job with good exchange and under the motto: “Promote the market for blackcurrants, the superfruit, which is the ‘Best Berry for Life’”. Anthony Snell will present a policy for his presidency over the next months to the Board.

The newly elected president should now conduct the elections for the posts of vice-presidents; Anthony Snell asked Jim Grierson to conduct these elections also. Jim Grierson explained that according to the IBA rules, the outgoing president will be automatically part of the Exec as advisor for the first term of the new president. Dirk Herdieckerhoff is therefore part of the Exec; call for nominations for vice-presidency: Jens Pedersen and Piotr Baryla were suggested and were elected unanimous by show of hands. (moved Jim Grierson, seconded Stefanie Sharma)

Non-serving officers reconducted unanimously: Mike Kearney=treasurer, bank signatory=John Tavendale, auditors=Heiko Danner and James Tavendale. (Moved Jim Grierson, seconded Stefanie Sharma)

Announcements were to be made at the closing session of the conference.

8. General Business
  • Occurrence IBA conferences and AGMs

Already presented at the Board meeting. For reminder: the IBA will stay based in New Zealand. France is being confirmed for hosting the next IBA conference in 2018.

  • Changes in IBA’s rules of association

Already presented at the Board meeting. Changes to be made in the original rules according to the proposal and to be circulated by the GM. (approved from the majority by show of hands)

No other general business

picture showing the voting members of the AGM 2016 in Ashford


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania

held at Artis Centrum Hotel Vilnius, Lithuania, 10th June 2015 from 3:50pm to 4pm

Welcome by President

Dirk Herdieckerhoff welcomes delegates and observers, approximately 25 attended.

Apologies from :

Anthony Snell, Vice President, United Kingdom; Mike Kearney, Treasurer, New Zealand; Franz Ennser, Independent Director, Austria Juice; Florent Baillard, Director, France; Bill Floyd, New Zealand; Jim Griersen, New Zealand

Minutes of 6th AGM held in Bialowieza, Poland, June 2014

Tabled as read, no comments arising. (approved unanimous; moved Dirk Herdieckerhoff, seconded Jens Pedersen)

President’s Report

By lack of time, the report has not been presented completely, but was summed up by DH.

IBA Financial Statement 2014/15

Presented at the board meeting, but following objections from Poland, the financial statement had to be checked before being submitted for vote. No alters to the initial financial statement had to be made, it was thus submitted to all voting countries via email. Approved unanimously. (Dirk Herdieckerhoff, seconded Piotr Baryla)

Retiring General Manager’s Report on activities 2014-2015

Presented by DH. After 8 years of successful work, Bill Floyd had to resign for health reasons. The IBA owes him a lot. Report received, no discussion followed.

Incoming General Manager’s introduction

The IBA Executive carried out a selection process for a new General Manager and appointed Stefanie Sharma as the new IBA GM.

Election of officers:

Anthony Snell and Piotr Baryla both stand for continuing vice-presidency, all board members stand for reconduction. Approved unanimously. (Moved Dirk Herdieckerhoff, Seconded Piotr Baryla). Piotr Baryla suggested Dirk Herdieckerhoff for continuing as president for the next year. Approved unanimously. (Moved Piotr Baryla, Seconded Jens Pedersen). Non-serving officers reconducted unanimously. (Moved Dirk Herdieckerhoff, Seconded Piotr Baryla)

General Business:

Comment John Tavendale: the IBA should have a policy to bring blackcurrant to the forth with generic advertising. Whenever selling blackcurrant, the same slogan should be put forward and promoted worldwide. A certain percentage of the IBA income should be spent on it. The participants of the AGM agree that more promotion work is necessary. Stefanie Sharma informs that the IBA budget is not high enough to allow generic advertisement in magazines or on TV: the cost of such ads is horrendous (at least 2000€ for one page in a minor magazine). She suggests that every country representative should start press relations and put them forward for their own country. A thread to advise countries how to deal with press could be included on the IBA’s website. The participants of the AGM agree that there should be a common language, with the same message being spread. The IBA General Manager should provide information material.

Dirk Herdieckerhoff explains how the annual conferences are handled: a grower-orientated conference 2-day conference on a rather European level one year, another more market-strategy orientated 3-day worldwide conference the other year.

  • Invitation for 3-day conference in Kent by Anthony Snell for 2016. Dirk Herdieckerhoff will confirm the place and dates with Anthony Snell and inform the board about the decision.
  • Conference 2017: Invitation from Ukraine. Piotr Baryla is not sure if it is good to keep Ukraine for a small conference now, given the current political situation. An invitation exists also from Norway, maybe the place could be changed. John Tavendale adds also that Ukraine is not yet a paying member. Heiko Danner informs the assembly that there is also an informal invitation from Austria for a small conference. The Exec will decide on the place and inform everyone at the Kent conference.
  • Conference 2018: suggested to be in France.
  • Jun Fujikuma informs the General Assembly that a Japanese blackcurrant association has been established, and Bill Floyd been contracted as adviser to this association. He officially invites the IBA to Japan, where another conference could be held, either in 2018 or in 2020, if wanted.

Minutes of the 4th Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2012, Dundee, Scotland

Held Tuesday 15th May 2012, commencing 4.15pm

Welcome by President, Jim Grierson.

Apologies: Jarrow Rogovin (USA); Wieslaw Blocki (Poland); Anthony Snell (UK); James Tavendale (NZ); Jane Lancaster (NZ); Greg Quinn (USA).

Minutes of the 3rd AGM held in Goes, Netherlands, May 2011. Minutes approved (Moved Jensen/Seconded Eder). Matters arising from the Minutes of the 2nd AGM: A general discussion took place on membership by Eastern European countries. Noted that Poland had created a Grower Association which would become a financial member of the IBA; and that other countries such as Ukraine and Lithuania now attending IBA Conference. Jim Grierson congratulated Stan Pluta on his work in assisting the Polish industry to develop its own grower group.

Presidents Report

Read and adopted (Moved Jensen/seconded Eder). Annual Financial Statement (AFS) presented by Jim Grierson who noted the following: Four Leaf Japan had agreed to advance payment of their sponsorship for the 2011-2012 year to assist IBA cash-flow. This resulted in a double payment within one financial year for Four Leaf Japan. Floyd Marketing Ltd had agreed to the IBA suspending payment of their invoices but still providing management services, while cash-flow had been an issue. The financial statement was shown in Euro for the benefit of the majority attending the AGM but the various incomes and expenditures had been transacted in NZ dollars during the 12 months. Due to currency fluctuations this meant the Euro sum shown was not exactly correct; and that a set of records in NZ dollars was available for any member showing the exact values.

Matters arising from the AFS: In response to questions from the floor, Jim Grierson explained that the Executive costs were for travel and accommodation for Conference; and that the IBA had provided NZ$8000 to the organizing committee of the Goes Conference for assistance with that event.

Adoption of the AFS: Moved Grierson/Seconded Jensen. Agreed unanimous.

General Managers report on activities of the IBA in the 2011-2012 year

The General Manager summarised the Paper, explaining that the full details of activity was provided because the Financial Statement had recorded all Floyd Marketing’s work under the heading ”˜administration’ whereas ”˜administration’ as such was a very small part of the work paid for. Jim Grierson noted that the General Manager’s position was appointed by the Board. As from 2012, the General Manager performance would be formally reviewed by the President and another Board member. A written assessment of the review would be provided to the General Manager and be included in the AGM papers each year. Floyd Marketing Ltd (FML) was contracted to carry out the position of General Manager and this work was done by FML’s principals, Bill and Sandee Floyd. FML was well respected in New Zealand and had proven to be a very good team working for the benefit of the IBA membership.

IBA Rules of Association

The draft IBA Rules of Association were read by Jim Grierson who invited members to discuss the draft and noted that, if approved by the meeting, the Rules would come into effect immediately. A discussion then followed:John Tavendale believed that the immediate Past President should be part of the Board structure and was concerned that his or her skills shouldn’t be lost to the Board. He suggested that this could be an ex officio appointment and be for a two year period. Jo Hitchley suggested that 5 years was a long term for President and this should be reviewed. The discussion that followed agreed that a four-year term would allow the election of President to be tied to the major bi-annual Conference. Jim Grierson thanks John and Jo for their constructive comments and asked that the meeting approve the draft as it was and allow the new Board to make any changes warranted. Jim noted that the Rules weren’t ”˜cast in concrete’ but could be changed as circumstances required.

Moved that the IBA Rules of Association be adopted: Moved Grierson/Seconded Kearney. Carried Unanimous.

Election of officers

Jim Grierson explained his recommendation for a new Executive structure with two Vice Presidents (one responsible for Europe and the other for Asia/Australasia/North America). These two Vice Presidents, with the President and the General Manager, would form the IBA Executive and be charged with the daily-monthly conceptualization, implementation and management-governance of the IBA’s activities.

Jim Grierson then explained that the Executive recommended a rotational approach to Board appointees and that Jo Hitchley (UK), Dr Miyanaga (Japan) and Greg Quinn (USA) had been asked to stand down as part of that rotation. This recommendation was based on those persons having not been able to participate in regular Board activities and AGM’s over the last 36 months. Jim Grierson noted that valuable contribution all three had made to the founding of the IBA and especially, Dr Miyanaga’s vision in suggesting the IBA’s strap-line, “The Best Berry for Life”. Jim Grierson noted that all three would continue to be key members of the IBA, Jo Hitchley thorough her Chair position with the UK Foundation, Dr Miyanaga as Chair of the critically important Japan Cassis Association and Greg Quinn who was expected to play a key role in the future development of a North American Country Association of the IBA. Jim Grierson then advised he was not be seeking re-election and accordingly was standing down as President and would Chair the election of the Board and its officers.

Nominations for the seven Board positions were:

  • Svend Jensen, Denmark (Moved Ennser/Seconded Eder).
      1. David Eder, Four Leaf Japan (Moved Kearney/seconded Leith)
  • Anthony Snell, UK (Moved Hitchley/Seconded Hyatt)
  1. Dirk Herdieckheroff (Moved Eder/Seconded Kearney)
  2. Florent Balliard, France (Moved Jensen/Seconded Eder)
  3. Mike Kearney, NZ (Moved Jensen/Seconded Snell)
  • Franz Ennser, Agrana (Moved Jensen/Seconded Kearney)
  • There being no more nominations and given that all the above had been confirmed unanimously by the meeting, Jim Grierson congratulated the seven members on their election or re-election. Jim Grierson then called for nominations for the position of President. Svend Jensen was moved by Jim Grierson and seconded by mark Eder. No other nominations were moved and the meeting unanimously approved Jensen’s appointment Nominations for Vice Presidents were Anthony Snell and Mike Kearney (Moved Tavendale/Seconded Stephens). No other nominations were made and the meeting voted unanimously for their appointments.

The Future Direction of the IBA

”˜Growing a Prosperous Future’ -strategy paper presented by Svend Jensen. Copied of this paper had been supplied with the AGM papers. Svend spoke to each heading and asked if there was any concerns. Agreed that the Strategy paper form the basis of the Board and the Executive’s planning. Note that no formal vote taken on this. IBA Activities Programme for 2012-2013 – draft programme presented by IBA General Manager, Bill Floyd. Bill noted that the degree to which activities could be implemented was totally dependent on funding. Funding would be developed by a mix of sponsorship, new Country memberships and a new membership category for private individuals. Final prioritization and degree of implementation of tactics would be decided by the Executive and subject to funding available.

General Business

Agronomy Forum: report on the inaugural Agronomy Workshop presented by Rob Saunders, Forum chair.

Rob explained that the inaugural forum had presentations by Jim Grierson (nutrition), Geoff Langford (gallmite), Rob (sudden bush death), Michelle Fountain; (pollination); Bill Floyd (Grower of the Year concept); and a wrap by Jim Grierson.

Marketing Forum: report by Bill Floyd, IBA general Manager: Presentation by Franz Ennser on the World Juice Market gave the forum attendees an excellent global perspective of the beverage market per se and how blackcurrant needed to find its relevance and positioning opportunities within such a vast sector. The overview was at the same time both threatening, enlightening and exciting.

The second presentation, ”˜Accessing New Markets – demands, products, and entry strategies’ was by Karen Hamann of IFAU. This presentation gave a perfect balance to Franz’s macro view and profiled niche market operators: showing how opportunities were achieved by micro focus once a macro understanding gave a defined opportunity and purpose.

Bill then explained his paper on the concept of a blackcurrant Awards: this was a project that would be developed over the next 3 months. The purpose of presenting the concept paper at the Forum was to scope a small team that would look at viable options. Forum members were asked to make contact with Bill post-Forum.

  1. There was no other General Business

Meeting closed at 5.22pm.


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2013, Waldenburg, Germany

  1. Held Tuesday 4th June, 2013, commencing 4.15pm

  2. Welcome by President, Svend Jensen.
  3. Apologies: David Eder, Franz Ennser
  4. Minutes of 4th AGM held in Scotland, May 2012: Tabled as read: Moved Jensen/Seconded Kearney. Approved unanimous.
    1. Svend explained that under the Rules of the Association the Board had created the positions of two Vice Presidents and appointed Anthony Snell (VP representing Northern Hemisphere) and Mike Kearney (VP representing Southern Hemisphere).
    2. In addition the Board decided to increase its size to 8 elected positions for the 2013 AGM Election of officers.
  5. Presidents Report: read by Svend Jensen.
  6. IBA Financial Statement AFS: tabled by Mike Kearney. Approved by AGM subject to correction for UK membership. Moved Herdieckerhoff/seconded Snell. Approved unanimous. Discussion arising: Mike explained that management costs would be reduced reducing Exec skype meetings from monthly to bi-monthly; the Country Association fees basically covered costs associated with general management, annual conference and country Associations activities. Sponsorships were required to cover costs of promotional tactics to grow market demand. Intention was to have a surplus at years’ end.
  1. General Manager’s Report on activities 2012-2013 and planned activities for 2013-2014. Report received and discussion followed: An IBA New Product Development Sector Group (NPD-SG)would be a key tactic developed through 2013-2015. This NPD-SG would be self-funding from sponsorships and “user-pays” events. Manager to explain concept to Conference at Thursday’s Plenary Session. Change to IBA Rules: the IBA recommends that the Board positions be increased by one person to eight: this is allowable under the Rules of Association of the IBA (Rule 3/c/ii). Moved Jensen/seconded Herdieckerhoff. Approved unanimous.
  1. Election of officers
    1. Call for nomination of five directors. Four existing directors retire by rotation : Anthony Snell, Mike Kearney, Florent Baillard, Dirk Herdieckerhoff. Each are eligible and offer themselves for re-election. Piotr Baryla offered himself for nomination to the new Board position. Moved that Messrs Snell, Kearney, Baillard, Herdeickerhoff and Bryla be appointed Directors. Moved Jensen/Seconded Kearney. Approved unanimous.
  1. Note that Messrs Ennser and Eder retained their independent Board positions and Svend Jensen retained Board position and Presidency.
  1. General Business:
    1. No general business.

AGM closed 4.45pm

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the IBA, 2014, Bialowieza, Poland

Held Monday 2 June 2014 at Bialowieza, Poland; 3.10pm-3.50pm

Svend welcomed delegates and observers: approx 50 attended.

  1. Apologies from: Franz Ennser, Anthony Snell, Jun Fujikuma. Apologies be accepted, Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson. Approved.

Minutes of 2013 AGM taken as read. Discussion on Minutes 2013: none. Moved 2013 AGM Minutes correct:  Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson. Approved.

Presidents Report read by Svend. Discussion on Report: none. Moved Presidents Report be accepted: Moved Jensen/Seconded Baryla. Approved.

IBA Financial Report: presented by Mike. Key points:

    • Sponsorship income developing.
    • Grower contributions kept same
    • All items down on Expenditure and costs stable.
    • Moved Financial Report be accepted: Moved Kearney/Seconded Grierson. Approved.

General Manager Report: taken as read and Bill only spoke to key matters-business:

    • Japan will have a new Association membership of IBA in 2014.
    • Agronomy and Plant-breeding information will be developed in 2014-2014 with significant sponsorship opportunities.
    • A new Poster Board will be created on the website for scientists
    • Austria Juice Blackcurrant New Product Development Unit a major development that could in time benefit the global industry.
    • Weremczuk’s Global Production Chart continues to be an important information base for all growers and subject to EU regulatory approval historical pricing could be re-introduced.
    • New Holland’s Blackcurrant Food Heroes initiative will help create new awareness of commercial opportunities for product developers and marketers.
    • Bill intends resigning in 2015 and the Exec is looking at replacement options: Bill would still be available to consult or work on special projects for the IBA and or sponsorship activities and commitments.

Election of Officers

    1. Mike Kearney, Dirk Herdieckerhoff and Florent Baillard resigned as per the rotation requirement of the IBA and offered themselves for re-election. Moved Grierson/Seconded Baryla. Approved.
    1. Jens Pedersen nominated to the Board position left open by Svend Jensen’s resignation. Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson, Approved.
    1. Dirk Herdieckerhoff nominated for President. Moved Jensen/Seconded Grierson. Jim Grierson spoke to Dirk’s qualities and suitability. No other nominations received, Approved.
    1. Anthony Snell nominated for Vice President. Moved Jensen/seconded Grierson. Piotr Baryla nominated for Vice President.
  1. Moved Kearney/seconded Grierson. No other nomination received and Snell/Baryla confirmed as VP’s.

General Business

    1. Frequency of Conference discussed. Agreed that momentum needed to be continued and annual conference necessary. One 2-day event followed by major 3-day event. John Tavendale noted that NZ growers met annually but held their major Conference bi-annually. John Tavendale asked that all proceedings of the IBA be transparent and all members have the right to attend any meetings.

AGM closed 4pm.